Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Buddy or no buddy

That is the question. When we run is it easier to have someone with us or better to do it. Running with someone else is good because they distract you from the running and can help be a motivator to run faster and farther. It's sometimes nice to just to have someone with you and safer!  I use running as a way to relax and take a break from everything so sometimes it is nice to run by yourself and get to go at the pace that you want to.  It all comes down to ones personal opinion and how they are feeling before you run.

1 comment:

  1. I do like to have a running partner for motivation. Remember the social facilitation concept in AP Psych? Sometimes you put in a little more effort when someone else is watching you. Is there any research out there that looks at running times/speeds in groups vs. on your own? It might be interesting to see.
