Monday, February 3, 2014

Parkside Fun Time

My brother plays baseball and sometimes he practices at Parkside.  Since it has been freezing outside I didn't want to go outside so Parkside sounded like a good idea.  I'm not a fan of running inside because all you do is run in circles.  Outside you can make it fun and have a destination. That time i forgot my headphones though so it was awkward when i would pass someone and the voice would talk.  I hope they didn't think it was me because i don't have a man voice.  It wasn't a horrible experience i just wish it wasn't winter outside.  Maybe i should just move to Florida.


  1. That made me laugh -- the app calling out your commands! It is nearly impossible to run in the winter, especially if you are as unmotivated as I am! I've heard of an app that is for running but creates some zombie scenarios for you to try to run through. That might get me moving. :)

  2. I might have to look into this app because i have been nothing but unmotivated. This cold weather sucks and is making me not want to move from my warm blanket. Thanks for the new app!
